Oral Hygiene is the specialty of Dentistry responsible for diagnosing and preventing oral pathologies, as well as maintaining treatments carried out in other specialties, which require special care and control by a Dentist/Hygienist who can assess their evolution.

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Besides maintaining the hygiene of the oral cavity, which combines the removal of all plaque and tartar, the responsible dentist/hygienist will screen for cavities and gum disease, as well as check the patient’s overall oral health.

During the appointment, we remind our patients of all the habits and good oral hygiene practices which will allow us to eliminate food residues that accumulate between the teeth and gums and, with time, can have negative effects, such as the appearance of cavities.

Dental cavities are a pathology that’s very difficult to identify by the patient in its initial phase.

Food scraps that get trapped in the teeth begin to produce bacteria that corrode the teeth. Only when the decay is at an advanced stage, when the cavity is already easy to feel and pain starts to appear, will patients realize that something is wrong.

At this stage, the tooth may already be quite compromised, making it necessary to resort to an Endodontic treatment, also known as tooth devitalization.

Diagnosis at an earlier stage of the pathology, performed by a dentist/hygienist specialized in Oral Hygiene, can avoid the need for such invasive treatments.

When cavities have not yet damaged the inner part of the tooth, its removal and the dental reconstruction process is quite simple, and can be performed in a single day, in a dentistry appointment.

Dental cavities are just one example of the pathologies prevented by an oral hygiene consultation, but being present in about 90% of the population, it is one of the major responsibilities in this area.

In Dental Medicine, prevention is the best cure and an Oral Hygiene appointment is the best way to prevent the aggravation of present pathologies.

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To ensure a lasting smile for our patients, we recommend the to schedule an oral hygiene appointment every 6 months, or more regularly if justified in the opinion of the healthcare professional and according to the patient’s oral condition and history.


Maintenance of Dental Treatments

Regularity in oral hygiene appointments is essential to ensure the integrity and durability of treatments performed in other specialties.

Areas of Dentistry such as Periodontology, responsible for the treatment of the entire support structure of the dental parts, including the gum and bone, require a more consistent monitorization after completion, in order to evaluate the evolution of the patient’s oral health and prevent the reappearance of complications.

Additionally, it is possible to check the condition of treatments which used prosthetic and repairing materials. The condition of the prostheses is checked after its cleaning is carried out in order to ensure that the treatment has the longest possible durability.

Tartar Removal

Bacterial plaque and tartar, when not removed in time, tend to penetrate the area between the tooth and the gums and produce substances that cause irritation in our body.

The body trying to protect itself starts a process of inflammation, which in more severe cases can start to “cannibalize” part of the gums and bone that support the dental parts, leading to a possible loss of teeth.

Regular cleaning appointments combined with good oral hygiene on the part of the patient is the best way to prevent this condition called periodontitis.

Fluoride application

Fluoride plays a very important role in reducing the progression of tooth decay, reducing tooth sensitivity and has an anti-enzymatic, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial effect.

The application of fluoride over tooth remineralizes it and strengthens its structure.

Sealant application

Sealants are a material created in fluid resin, which when applied to the tooth surface, hardens, creating a smoother and easier-to-clean surface, ideal for preventing certain pathologies.


At what age should kids visit the dentist for the first time?

We always recommend that the first dental appointment be when the first teeth start to grow or at the latest when the child is 1 year old.

This way it is possible to prevent the onset of caries at an early age and analyze if there are any complications that can be treated preventively.

Is it possible to schedule an oral hygiene appointment while pregnant?


Oral hygiene consultations do not bring problems for pregnancy and can even prevent certain complications when the diagnosis and timely treatment of certain pathologies is made.

Find out more about Dentistry consultations during pregnancy on our page!

What should people do at home to maintain oral hygiene?

Dentists always recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, with the aid of an oral elixir, flossing at least once during the day, preferably before going to sleep and following any additional recommendations given by the specialist depending on the patient’s condition and medical history.

How are bacterias and tartar created in our teeth?

Ineffective oral hygiene will result in the accumulation of bacteria on the tooth surface, which being hard and rough is ideal for them.

Over time, these bacteria start to calcify, resulting in tartar, a material with the appearance of a mass and a brownish color, which must be removed quickly to prevent complications that go beyond aesthetics.

How often should we exchange toothbrushes?

A toothbrush in good condition is essential for preventing oral pathologies. We recommend that replacement is carried out every 3 months to ensure correct and effective cleaning.


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